Master's Shoes and Fan

This painting was completed when the Supreme Master Ching Hai was fasting. During this time, many heartbreaking incidents occurred. One evening at the group meditation session, the Supreme Master Ching Hai silently entered the main hall and played the harp. Then She beckoned everybody to come to look at this painting, and then She left without saying anything.

The shoes and the fan are things the Supreme Master Ching Hai uses all the time. However, in the painting, they are left lying there alone. From this we can perceive the Supreme Master Ching Hai's sorrow and the profound meaning that She wanted to convey when she painted this picture.

These objects only represent their owner who is absent. One must use one's heart to appreciate this painting in order to understand the subtle, implied teachings.

Pastel Colour Painting
Place: Hsihu Center, Miaoli, Formosa
Time: June 1991
Size: 38.8 cm x 53.8 cm

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