From: "God Takes Care of Everything", page 4-6

The Story of a Great Master

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are!" Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered in this way? Who created those brilliant stars? Well, many years ago, there was a beautiful little girl who wondered the same thing. Looking into the brilliance of the star-filled sky, She wanted very much to meet with their Creator. This became Her secret dream, a dream She held close to Her heart for a long, long time. And after many years of searching high and low for God, Her dream finally came true. She got to meet the Creator of the stars!


This little girl was born in the southeastern Asian country of Aulac. From a very young age, She had always prayed to the Creator of the stars, "Please let me see You!" Even though it seemed that Her wish was not granted for a very long time, She never gave up. She kept Her faith and continued to pray. She went to church with Her parents and to the temple with Her grandmother. She read many great books that were supposed to teach people how to find God. Sometimes She even fell asleep holding a holy book to Her chest.

This little girl was kind to everyone She met. Poor people touched Her heart, and She would go out of Her way to give them what little food or money She could find in the house. Because of Her genuinely helpful nature, She inspired love in the hearts of all who knew Her.

When this little girl grew up and became a beautiful young woman, Her father sent Her to study in England. With a talent for language, She quickly learned to speak English, German, and French. She continued to work for the poor and needy by whatever means She could. And never for one moment did She forget Her dream.

Later, She married a German doctor. He was a very kind man, and they spent two happy years together. But a desire to find God, not only for Herself but also to be truly helpful to those who were less fortunate, was still burning in the heart of this young woman. And so it was that one day, with her husband’s blessing, She left alone to continue Her search for God.

The next part of Her journey took Her to many distant lands, including the far reaches of India. Finally, in the remote and snow-covered Himalayan Mountains, She found an Enlightened Master who introduced Her to an ancient spiritual practice called the Quan Yin Method.

As She received the Quan Yin Method and began meditating on the heavenly Sound and Light, She came face to face with God and became one with God. In this enlightened state, Her soul not only reached the stars but went far, far beyond them. She was taken by God to a very high level of Heaven, and She became a great Master Herself.

After many moons in the Himalayas, She was ready to descend from the mountains. Soon She came to Formosa, a beautiful island near China, and slowly began sharing this wonderful Quan Yin Method with others. Since then, She has traveled around the world to help people re-connect with God through this method. Many have become enlightened; their souls have also reached the stars, the heavens and beyond.


She is now affectionately known as the Supreme Master Ching Hai. But Master Ching Hai tells us that we are all supreme masters because we are the children of God. If we know the way, we can see God and talk to God any time we wish.

Master Ching Hai doesn't just teach the Quan Yin Method. She also paints, writes songs, plays musical instruments and designs beautiful clothing and jewelry. She is also a great storyteller, and She loves to tell jokes. Whenever She is among people, there is always a lot of laughter.

Master Ching Hai continues to care for people just as She did when She was young. She especially loves children, and says that children are closer to God than adults. She reminds us that we all need to be like children to see God.

So you see, a little girl's dream to see God has come true. If it is possible for Master Ching Hai, it is possible for all of us. Do you have the same dream as She did?

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