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Where is God?

I once heard a very interesting story from India.

People were looking all over for God or the Buddha. They had heard that God was love or the Buddha was mercy, so they all wanted to look for Hirm, but no one knew where Hes was. Finally they heard that Hes was in a quiet cave by the Ganges and went there to find Hirm. They asked Hirm for all kinds of things. "God, please give me this!" "God, please give me that!" "God, I want my child to graduate!" "God, I want a wife!" "God, I want a husband!" "God, I want money!" "God, I want a social position!"

God was exhausted and said, "This is too much. I can't take it anymore. I want to hide myself. But where can I find a quiet place?"

God's advisor's called the "Grand Master!" So Hiers Grand Master said to Hirm, "You can go to Mount Everest. There no one will bother You."

God replied, "This is an excellent idea." So Hes went up there and hid Hirmself. After a while, a couple of people climbed up the mountain, and then more people followed suit. God found that the quiet serenity was gone.

Again, Hes complained, "Oh! This is too much! I can't take it anymore."

Hes sought Hiers Grand Master's advice again about where Hes could hide, and the Grand Master responded, "Aha! I know a place where you can hide and no one will find You. No one will even think of that place."

God asked, "Where? Where is it? Tell me quickly!" The Grand Master replied, "It's in people's hearts. If You hide in there, they won't find You."

Then God exclaimed, "Yes! That's right! What a great Grand Master you are!" So Hes quickly went into people's hearts and hid in there. Indeed, no one looked for Hirm there; only the adventurous and the "foolish", who dared to get initiation, thought of looking for Hirm there.

It is true that God is within us. Whatever we seek, we should seek within ourselves. If we look for the most beautiful thing, we should look for it inside. If we look for almighty power, we should look for it inside us. Don't be afraid of the ghosts and demons outside, don't be afraid of the fierce people outside, and don't beg sentient beings outside who have good merit for help. We should beg ourselves. We should hide inside, pray inside, and enjoy ourselves. Everything is inside us. We cannot find anything outside.

I think that this story is very interesting. (Applause) So, if you want to see me, you should look for me inside yourselves. God is within you. That is why it is said, "The Buddha is in our hearts." If you think that I am a Buddha, you should look for the inner Master within; Hes has inconceivable power and can protect you, guide you, and illuminate you. However, you should be patient, because good things are not easy to find.

"The Buddha Is In Our Hearts"
Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai
Hsihu, Formosa - March 11, 1989
(Originally In Chinese)
News 91, Master Tells A Story

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Master Tells Stories
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