God's Direct Contact
r Kids

lots of fun stories for kids

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Inspiration for kids

Child's Question: Master, who is God?

Master: God is our origin. It's not like something physical, like wood or microphone that you can see. It's a supreme power. And because of that power, we are born, you see? We come from that power, just like the plants, the trees, the flowers, yeah? You see, like you see the flower here? Maybe a few months ago, it was not here. Yeah? It was not born. But because somebody planted it in the earth and make the plant grow, and then it blooms into the flower.

So the things that make the flower bloom is the nutrition in the earth, as well as the sun and the water and all that. Yeah? Similarly, God is the nutrition for all beings, and we grow from God. Understand that? Okay. Alright.

Child: Thank You, Master.

Master: You're welcome!

"Monkhood Begins With Asceticism"
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Group Meditation in Florida Center, U.S.A. - June 4, 2001
(Originally in English) Videotape No. 720

for kids
Master Tells Jokes
Bible stories
Master Tells Stories
Lovers of Animals
What is Vegetarianism?
One World
Master's Movie Corner
Quan Yin Calisthenics, cool!
Children's playground in Hsihu
Questions and Answers


Copyright SMCHIA 2003