took the Supreme Master Ching Hai just thirty minutes to complete
this painting of the orchid that grows in front of Her lecture platform.
The petals of one of the flowers were actually half white and half
red. Master did not like that arrangement and so painted them all
red. They look more suitable in this way.
Supreme Master Ching Hai said that every time She finished a painting,
She never felt that it was She who had painted it. This was because
when She was young, She could not even paint a picture of a person
with any expression or three-dimensional effect. But now even the
orchids She paints have expressions and characters. Look! These orchids
seem to be whispering to each other, as if they are sharing some secret!
Colour Painting
Place: Hsihu Center, Miaoli, Formosa
Time: June 1991
Size: 38 cm x 52.9 cm