Activities Humanitarian Work Rwanda, June/July 1994  


Group Meditation



News 37, Special Report On Aiding The Rwandan Refugees

Boundless Love
Master's Concern For The Civil-War-Torn Rwanda Refugees

At the end of May, during the International Seven-day Retreat in Taipei, Formosa to pray for world peace, Master not only attended the International Human Rights Conference to appeal for the Au Lac refugees, but She also showed great concern for the African refugees in civil-war-torn Rwanda, hoping to give them substantial help.

We wrote to the United Nations asking for information about aid agencies which were providing relief for the refugees in Rwanda. After contacting with them, we donated a total of eighty thousand US dollars to the six aid agencies which replied to us. Three of them, CRS, Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres, and the OXFAM Emergency Units, also responded with the reports. (Receipts and reports, see Appendices 1-8) There were other agencies which did not response to our help.

Breakdown of Donations

Catholic Relief Services-USCC
1, 2
Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres
3, 4
United Nations Development Programme
World Health Organization
OXFAM Emergency Units
Total Amount

Appendices 7 and 8 have not been received. They will be printed in the next issue.

Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)

Giving Hope To A World Of Need

World Headquarters
Catholic Relief Services
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, Maryland 21203 7090

June 20, 1994

The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association
P.O. Box 9, Hishu, Miaoli
Formosa, R.O.C.

Dear Madame:

Thank you so much for your generous donation of $10,000.00 for Rwanda, which we received in our bank account today. We are very grateful for your support and your interest in our organization.

We are assisting Rwanda refugees in four camps on the Tanzanian border with blankets, water containers and supplies.
We are very happy with your beautiful gift which will help the poor and needy in Rwanda. Please let us know if you require anything from Catholic Relief Services.

We are also interested in knowing how you became interested in the Rwanda situation and with Catholic Relief Services and how you collected the money for these programs. Did you have a program for Rwanda refugees? Is there interest in Formosa in Rwanda refugees? Would you like us to send you some information on our programs? Please let us know. Thank you.


Joseph S. Curtin
Director, Special Doners

PS. We are very grateful for your donation. Thanks!

Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)

Giving Hope To A World Of Need

World Headquarters
Catholic Relief Services
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, Maryland 21203 7090

June 20, 1994

The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association
P.O. Box 9, Hishu, Miaoli
Formosa, R.O.C.

Dear Madame,

Thank you for your most generous gift of $10,000.00d on July 15, 1994 in support of Catholic Relief Services programs in Rwanda. Your gift enables us to continue helping the people displaced by this terrible war.

To date, CRS has taken immediate action in supplying the displaced in southern Rwanda with both food and non food assistance. CRS has also sent a representative to Northern Rwanda and is in the planning stages of a similar response around Kiyombe and Mukarange. The estimated number of displaced Rwandans in the South is 500,000 and in the North, more than 300,000 have been displaced.

CRS weekly is sending convoys of 405 trucks into three Southern Diocese of Kabgayi, Butare and Gikongoro, food and non-food items. These have included 10,000 blankets, 400 cartons of sheeting, sugar, oil and nutritional biscuits.

CRS is organizing means of transport for the medicines donated by Caritas Germany.

CRS/Rwanda employees are currently situated in both Kabgayi and in Bujumbura.

As you may already know, the situation is changing daily and therefore much information is outdated by the time it reaches the news. CRS will continue to provide updated materials as available.

Thank you again for your support and your concern for these poor Rwandan people. God bless you.


Joseph S. Curtin
Director, Special Donors

Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)

P.O. BOX 10397
Tel.: 558787 Fax 544033


The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association


21st July 1994

Dear Mrs. Ching Hai,

Please find the report of the actual situation in Western Rwanda particularly in the humanitarian zone protected by the French Army.

The needs in this area are very large but our stock of medicines are insufficient.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, we are not able to work in Rwanda these are that we do not have enough staff, medicines and other facilities namely cars etc. But we will put in maximum effort to help the Rwandese population without ethnic discrimination.

Thank you

Yours faithfully,


Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)

The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association

Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres
Bertrand Chenin
Administrator, head of mission

Nairobi, the 14th of July

Dear Master Ching Hai,

I would like to apologize to you for having forgotten to inform your association that we received on 25th of June 1994 the 20,000.00 USD grant for the Rwandese refugees. In fact too much work is the origin of this lack of communication. I was on the spot during 18 days making an assessment on the humanitarian zone protected by the French troops and the report on the situation there is in process to be translated in English for you.

The needs are tremendously urgent for that zone but not only there, we have now set up three teams ready to receive medicines and medical material;

- one team is in KABALE, Uganda in charge of the northern camps in Rwanda and Uganda
- one team is in BUJUMBURA, Burundi in charge of the southern camps in Rwanda and in Zaire
- one other team is in KIGALI, Rwanda in charge of the orphanages of the main town.

One large consignment of drugs has already been sent to KABALE in order to maintain a good situation in N’GARAMA camp which is situated north-east to BYUMBA. We are working hand in hand on that spot with Medecins Du Monde (MDM).

In fact we are trying to work on both zones, FPR and French Humanitarian Zone, without any political distinction because the needs are very serious everywhere.

We are happy and grateful for the grant you gave us in relation to the Rwandese situation, and we are going to give you a complete report on the proper consumption of your grant. Please wait for the report we are currently translating.

Bertrand Chenin
PSF Administrator

Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)

United Nations Development Programme

Fax Message from: Treasury Section/Division of Finance
From: Bruce C. Hillis

To: The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association

15 July 1994


With reference to your fax of 14 July 1994, I am pleased to inform you that US$10,000 was received by us on 15 June 1994 and a cable was sent accordingly to the UN Rwanda Emergency Operation in Nairobi, Kenya. Thank you and regards.

Authorized by: Melvin Ysaguirre

Name & Title: Melvin Ysaguirre, Remittance Officer, DOF

Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)



Message No: 40275
From: Chief, Accounts
To: The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association

Date: 26 July 1994

Ref: ACT-F4/180/16
Subject: Donation of US$10,000 for Rwandan Refugees

Attn: Supreme Master Ching Hai

With Reference to your fax of 14 July 1994, I have pleasure in confirming receipt of your generous donation as mentioned above. A formal letter of acknowledgement signed by the Assistant Director-General for Administration will be sent to you shortly.

Signed: John E. Morgen

Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)


151 Ellis Street NE. Atlanta GA 30303-2426. (404) 681-2552

August 11, 1994

The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association
P.O. Box 9, Hishu, Miaoli
Formosa, R.O.C.

Dear Sir/Madam:

Following is confirmation of receipt of USD 10,000.00 from your organization on June 10, 1994.


Kate S. Larimer
Cash Administrator

Appreciation letter from Taipei County Magistrate Su Chen-chang

(originally in English)

Working for a Fairer World

United Kingdom & Ireland
274 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7DZ

8 August 1994

The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association

Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai,

This is to thank you for your generous donation of $10,000 towards our general Rwanda appeal. We were delighted to hear the news. I apologize sincerely for the delay in acknowledging your contributions.

Your support is much appreciated by us, and we will endeavor to send you reports to let you know how your money is being used.

Our regional programme continues to grow very greatly in response to the continuing crisis. We have spent US$15,000,000 so far. Our largest programme is in Goma in Zaire, where – at the invitation of UNHCR – we are the lead agency in Water distribution. In extremely difficult circumstances we are now distributing over 1,500,000 liters every day – about 5 liters for 300,000 people. Our aim is to deliver 15 liters to 800,000 people daily.

At the moment we are trying to find funding for a new emergency programme in Uvira Bukavu in Zaire, where we fear that there will shortly be another massive exodus of Rwandans – on the scale of Goma. To Prepare for this, we are pre-positioning emergency water equipment. The cost of this operation is approximately US$350,000.

If you could contribute to this programme, or if you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information. Whatever your response to this suggestion, thank you very much indeed for your generous contribution of US$10,000.

Best Wishes

Humphrey Pring
Emergencies Funding Coordinator


Art Creations

Humanitarian Work

*Master's Words
*Formosa, March/July
*USA, July 1993
*Belgium/France/Holland, December 1993/January 1994
*Rwanda, June/July 1994
*Cambodia, December 1994/January 1995
*Bosnia/Chechnya, January 1995
*Japan, January 1995

*Russia, May 1995

*Pakistan, July 1995

*Bangladesh, June 1996
*North Korea, June 1996
*Venezuela, July 1996
*Thailand, December 1996
*USA, January 1997
*Afghanistan, February 1998
*USA, July 1998
*Sudan, September 1998
Au Lac, January 1999
*Philippines, February 1999
*Albania, June 1999
*Turkey, August 1999
*China, August/September 1999
*Formosa, September 1999
*El Salvador, November 2000
*USA, September 2001
*Afghanistan, October 2001
*South Africa, March 2002
*Colombia, December 2002
*Argentina, April/May 2003
*India, April/May 2003
*Algeria, May/June 2003
*Canada, August 2003
*Iran, December 2003/January 2004

Special Events


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