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Formosa Daily News - July 16 1994 The
Great Transmigration Cycle “I” Also Exist In Other Worlds
Chapter One - "I" Also Exist In Other Worlds. [Part I]
The reporter asks: Where is the origin of transmigration? Is there any difference between Master's and the general Buddhists' concept of transmigration? Supreme Master Ching Hai answers: My concept of transmigration is identical to that of the general Buddhists. Transmigration refers to the matters not resolved or accomplished in our lifetime. To satisfy our human desires, we must return to accomplish them. This is transmigration. Q: How do we prove that transmigration really exists? M: There is no need to prove it, and there is no need for us to believe it either. Transmigration is a level of consciousness, a truth, that only the ones who are enlightened can perceive. They do not tell us about transmigration to make us believe entirely in its existence. Sometimes, people will ask about this. For instance, you are asking me, I must say that this is true. It is very difficult to prove its existence. Suppose you are a university professor. It is also difficult for you to introduce university knowledge to children. Anyway, the professor is not obliged to make everybody believe in the content of his teaching. He only tries his best to explain when he is asked. Transmigration is very logical. Otherwise, how do we explain this world? Where did the human beings come from? Why is the number of human beings increasing? Why didn't the human race become extinct? Though the size of the human population varies at times, why has there been no extinction? If you want a more relevant example, then take your job at the press office. Unable to finish your work today, you have to come back tomorrow to accomplish it. If your work is not finished, you feel uneasy at heart. This is what transmigration is all about. The physical body is not the whole human . For instance, when a person is dead, the body is still there, the brain is still there. However, the person is motionless, unable to do anything. Therefore, it is not our physical body that transmigrates, but the part in our body that controls all our behaviour. This part needs a tool to execute what we want to do, or learn. We may wish to believe in transmigration or not, human beings will continue to transmigrate. Similarly, the water in the sea, it doesn't need to believe that it will soon evaporate and be transformed into clouds, then pour down as rain back into the sea. It doesn't have to believe that all these things will happen or not. Everything will naturally happen. Q: People often combine causation and transmigration in one topic. When there is causation, there is destiny. Can we change our destiny of this lifetime? M: It is possible, but only a part of it. There are two ways to change your destiny. The first way is change it with an opposing action. For instance, if you have the bad habit of stealing or peeping, rectify your habit now. You may eliminate part of it through frequently donating to charities or giving. Even if you cannot completely cancel the retribution from your past actions, at least there will be a different outcome. The other way is through spiritual practice, getting in touch with our Almighty power within. This power can overrule your originally destined retribution, with absolutely no suffering. It is not totally impossible to resolve it with human force. For instance, an alcoholic is suffering from liver symptoms. The way to improve his condition is to quit drinking, and then consult a doctor. Medical treatment can prevent him from deteriorating further. In addition, he may exercise frequently, take vitamins and tonics, to improve his health. Treated in several ways simultaneously, his liver symptoms are not only cured, but his condition even becomes better. It is similar with karma, causation in particular. If we come across a good master who teaches us how to behave in the world, plus the merits we have earned from our own good deeds, living a mentally healthy life style, surely we have surpassed our predestined karma of causation, right? Can We Decide Our Own Reincarnation? Q: Who decides where each person will reincarnate, and as what type of human being? M: We choose for ourselves just before our birth, during the incarnation. Q: Before birth and during the incarnation, how do we choose a favourable destiny to incarnate into? M: We say "choose", but actually there is no choice. It is just "hearsay" that we can choose. Actually, whether we are qualified to make the choice to choose the destiny of our incarnation depends on our previous actions. Naturally, the invisible power of causation will influence us to choose this instead of that. Therefore, though we say we "have the choice", actually we are propelled by the power of previous actions. Q: You mean there is a "karmic force" impelling us. Is it possible to resist this "karmic force" with "will power"? M: Yes, it is possible. This is why some people pursue spiritual practice, through which they can borrow some power from Buddha and God. Nevertheless, even when the Buddhas descend on Earth, they have to choose to be born in a certain place depending on the affinity and needs of the sentient beings. Although the Buddhas are absolutely free and would not be impelled by the karmic force, still they willingly go, complying with the karmic force of the sentient beings. This situation is not the wish of the Buddhas, but it is their "vow". The ordinary person has no choice. They may have made their choice to incarnate during the transmigration, but are actually impelled by the karmic force behind them. Master's Previous And Coming Lives Q: What was Your previous life? Why have You chosen this work and position in this lifetime? M: I have forgotten! I have forgotten it all! Q: Master, have You taken a vow as to what you will do in the coming life? M:
No! Just be natural is all right. Each of us will have different views
at different stages. I have taken some foolish vows before, but it
is not necessary anymore. Just let it be!
The Formosa Daily News - Sunday July 17, 1994 Chapter One - "I" Also Exist In Other Worlds. [Part II] Q: At present the population of the world is five billion but two thousand years ago it might only have been three hundred million or five hundred million. During the process of reincarnation, where does this increment of souls come from? Can the number of souls be increased? M: Human beings are not of the physical body only. There is also the element of consciousness. When the consciousness level reaches that of man, then it becomes man; when at the level of a cow then it becomes a cow. Sometimes after animals die, they may reincarnate as man. Man may also downgrade to be reincarnated as animals. As a result this becomes the phenomenon of the cycle of reincarnation. All the behaviour during our lifetime determines our next reincarnation whether as man, heavenly-being, Buddha or animal. Q: Do You mean that the consciousness responsible for the increase in human population is being transferred from the animals? M: Yes, but there are some coming from other levels of existence. For example, many other planets like ours also have the existence of living things and human lives. Sometimes it is due to the arrival of those from these places that increase our human population. Q: You always mention the universe and outer-space planets. Have you ever personally travelled there before? What do these planets look like? M: For us, the practitioners, it is not necessary to stay in this physical body so we can freely visit other planets. The physical body is just like a house. When we are at home, we stay in here. If we don't want stay here, we can go out freely. As to other planets, not only I have been there before, even some of my disciples have also been there. On the other planets, some of the people are similar to us and others not so similar. The level of some of these beings is higher than ours. Some are not visible by our physical eyes. Compared to the other beings , to be human beings on this earth are not the worst. Some sentient beings created by consciousness are not as good as we are, but there are others who are many times better, reaching incredible levels of consciousness. No doubt not everyone can see this, but the number of people who can is not small either. Q: You have seen beings in outer-space. Is their level higher than Yours? M: This you should ask them. Q: Although You are a Master, do You ever have any questions that need to be clarified or difficulties that need a higher level Master to help You solve? M: No need. Although I cannot solve every question, I know how to solve it. Of course it depends on the cause and effect of the sentient beings. After all I have to comply with the law of cause and effect, otherwise, after the problem is solved the consequences may be even worse. All this needs to be considered. Living Buddhas Are Never Mistakenly Reincarnated Q: Previously Chinese people thought that China was the whole of the world. Therefore no matter how reincarnation is, Chinese monks will always reincarnate in China again. Tibetan living Buddhas also had this same belief. But nowadays some living Buddhas are Westerners. Is this an error in reincarnation? Some mistake? M: No..., no mistake. Maybe we made the mistake! Recognized the wrong person! Ha! Ha! Ha! No, Chinese, Tibetans are all people. Formerly there weren't any airplanes and someone may not be able to be found after his reincarnation, or it's very difficult to find him. Nowadays we can travel everywhere, and wherever he goes we can find him! Q: Weren't all previously reincarnated living Buddhas found? M: Previously they were only able to be found in Tibet. Anyhow if you can't find one grab another one... Ha... Let me tell you, since they are living Buddhas then why should they dislike other countries and want to be reborn there? A living Buddha can be reborn anywhere he likes, it's not necessary that he be born in China every lifetime. Long ago China was so vast, one could not even to talk about its boundaries. Q: Does the fate of happy mates, grudging mates and separated mates relate to their previous lives? M: It's related. But I suggest married couples need to endure each other; divorce as a last resort only. Q: Does divorce cause "karma"? Will it affect the next life? M: It may be like that. If we practice spiritually in this lifetime and go to a higher spiritual level with our spouse, then perhaps there will be no need to get married next life. But if we are not a practitioner, then we might have to come back into this vicious cycle. Q: Chinese believe in their "Ancestors' blessing". Isn't it one's own fate? Is it totally due to one's own cause and effect or can it be given or inherited by others? M: All is cause and effect. For those receiving blessings from their ancestors it must be because of their own merit and benevolence. If the ancestors are good and are higher level deities, then that will be helpful. If the ancestors are in hell, they are not only unable to help but will cause us more trouble instead. But people after all must live optimistically, so believing in ancestors is also good. Hypnotism Can Tap Into The Past Q: Some practitioners can predict previous and future lives. It is called "Su Ming Tong". Then how is it that fortune tellers, who do not practice, also have magical power? M: No doubt some people do not practice but because they did practice in their previous lives some impressions are left in this lifetime. Therefore they have these abilities. But fortune telling is not the same as "Su Min Tong". The former is a technique, a kind of science; after learning, things can be calculated like learning mathematics. With the real "Su Min Tong", the cause and effect of the previous lives can be seen without calculating. That's the real "magical power". Q: "Ji Tong" is a kind of person in Formosa who acts as medium. How does it work? M: After the death of a person he goes to an intermediate state called "Chong Yin Sen". When one is in this state he is moving very fast, and can access information very quickly by observation, but not to heaven or hell. Sometimes he will attach to the body of the "Ji Tong" occupying it for purposes of talking. Of course this type of spirit can be kind or wicked. Therefore after attachment some forcibly occupy others and refuse to leave. This is being "possessed" by negative force. Q: Does one feel happy or depressed in this intermediate state - "Chong Yin Sen"? M: I don't know because I haven't died yet! Q: Can You remember? M: No need. The present work is already too much to handle. Q: When one is in this intermediate state - "Chong Yin Sen", why can he not reincarnate or go through the life cycle to other worlds? M: Because their time is not yet up. Most have to reincarnate within forty-nine days. Q: Some people have a special talent such as musical skills, artistic skills... Are their talents related to what they did in previous lives? M: Yes. They must have learnt and had interest in certain artistic fields before. Not only that, they also put their full devotion and dedication in those fields. After dying, when they come back they will continue in that particular field that they were in. Those with magical power can know which people have a certain type of talent. Q: Can hypnotism recall past memories? M: Yes, it can. Every lifetime has it's differences. Going back one by one is no problem. Q: Today and yesterday, now and two thousand years ago, is it all happening here at the same time in overlapping dimensions? Is every part of existence in every lifetime like turning the pages of a book that can be read from back to front, or not necessarily in order? M: That's right. Everything is coincidental. Most have preconceived ideas about the concept of time. Therefore this time we will only choose this corner to look at. A practitioner however can observe a lot of things at the same time. In fact, all are occurring simultaneously - an uncountable number of different occurrences happening in overlapping dimensions. There is no past, present or future. In people's dreams, sometimes they can go beyond these dimensions and time, so they can see previous and future lives, as well as many aspect simultaneously. Revelation Of Killing In A Dream Q: Are the past actions and future effects all fixed. Can they be changed? If the future happenings are already fixed, how can they be altered? M: No doubt all future happenings are already fixed but there can be many different types of situations, all happening at the same time. While we are choosing a way, other situations still exist too. For instance,
if a person is supposed to kill another person then be put in jail,
if it cannot be avoided, a practitioner can instead have the killing
occur in his dream. This no doubt is a dream but the killer and the
victim both dream about this event. Therefore, when both of them awake
from the dream, one will feel uneasy, the other pain. This incident
does not happen in this world, it takes place in another world. The
same I may do several things at the same time. All are reality. However,
in general people can only see one of the realities. ![]() |