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and Spirituality
Pearls of Wisdom Practicing the Quan Yin Method is a matter of science that’s more exact than the most exact science in the world because worldly science sometimes seems correct to us, but tomorrow someone else will prove that it’s incorrect. But the science that my fellow practitioners and I are studying right now is not incorrect at all. For example, each person has a different level, but the path on which he or she travels is exactly the same so we know that it’s exact. For example,
suppose ten people get initiated at the same time, but each has
a different level. If some of them are at the same level, they’ll
see exactly the same thing or have similar experiences. But people’s
levels are different from each other’s. For instance, say
four of these people are at the first level, three are at the second
level, two are at the fourth level and one is at the fifth. In such
a case, all of those who are at a certain level will have experiences
specific to that level. So we know that this science is quite exact.
“The Quan Yin Method is the Most Exact Science” Q: Dear Master, one question that has worried me for a long time is about evolution. With my limited knowledge about evolution, I don't know how to answer the students I have been teaching for many years. My question is whether life on Earth has taken many forms and has evolved from our common ancestors, or did God create all at the same time? I am very confused between religious and scientific knowledge. If I stand on religious belief, I say that God created everything. Then we go home and sleep; no further questions. But if I explain it scientifically, I say we all share a common ancestor, branching, like Charles Darwin proposed. So, with my limited knowledge, I can't answer. I have said to my students that I have to wait for my great Master with the knowledge of Heaven. Maybe then I can explain it to you later. M: You see, religion and science don't conflict. They just use different terminology. And sometimes science doesn't point out, or they have not found out the underlying principles of all things. For example, science would say the same elements exist in you and me and are present in all things -- in plants and wood and all that. The religion, for example Christianity, would say that all are created from one substance, from God. And Buddhism would say all beings have the Buddha Nature. And Taoism would say we are all one. But this is the same as science saying that the elements in me and you are present in the plants and trees and woods and all that. But then what makes our elements move, talk and think? The elements don't make the plants and trees talk. And if we have the same elements in all things, then, of course, we need the same force for this movement. Is that right? Yes! Therefore, actually we're all created from God. You can call it God or the cosmic energy, it's all right. In the beginning there was only the cosmic energy. Don't call it God or Buddha Nature; it confuses too many people. We will talk in scientific terms. Cosmic energy just rested dormant with all the seeds of wisdom, and all the seeds of matter capable of expanding and growing. But when the cosmic energy stirred somewhat within itself, then all the seeds sprouted forth accordingly and became all that exists today. So, we can call that God, or we can call that Buddha Nature. If we do not know the source of our being, then we do not live according to the cosmic law, and that makes trouble for us. Therefore, we have to meditate now and ponder, trying to find the source of all this intelligence. And when we return to it, or at least we tune in with it, our life is in more harmony with the cosmic whole, and therefore, we are happy! We have no obstructions. We don't drive all over the place, but drive in the proper lane, at the proper speed. This doesn't conflict with science at all. But maybe science doesn't point out the force that moves all things. Science just talks about matter, the elements present in you and in me and in all things. In that, they have discovered a great deal already. But how can they use the scientific method to discover the things that are without substance? That is our cosmic force that moves everything, and we so-called souls are part of it; part of this cosmic force. The things that come into being differ according to how far they were from the central force of this cosmic whirlpool at that time of the great stirring movement. Therefore, we differ in shape, size, energy, wisdom, and the ability to move and to think. [Applause] Therefore, all things will come back to that central force, and then they evolve. If they want to come closer, they must be wiser, because at the center is wisdom. Therefore, they evolve. That is the reason for evolution, you see. They have to evolve, becoming wiser, greater, wiser, greater, wiser, greater, and then they can get closer to the center, because the center has a great magnetic force, to suck all things back in and then later push them out again, evolving all the time. But, sometimes this cosmic power will also rest, and all things will stop. And then, when it wakes up again, all things start to work. That takes place over many eons. It's a little difficult for me to explain these things, but just try to understand what I say. Q: If God created the universe and Earth, was the universe created before or at the same time as the Earth? M: In the universe, there are many earths. We are not the only one. You can take time to visit! Therefore, we see many UFOs and things like that. These are definite things. There are many earths that look like ours, with people and life. Some have been glimpsed by scientists, but they have not disclosed it, because they lack enough evidence, the planets are too far away, and they are not sure what is what. Some of these planets are more like Earth; they have people like us, with a lot of farming and all that. Other planets are not like Earth. These are more spiritual planets, where there are people, but they are angel-like and invisible to our naked eyes, to the eyes of the scientists, and to the eyes of all the telescopes. Therefore, we have to visit them in our spiritual body and use our spiritual eyes to contact or to see them. This, the scientists cannot do. So, for example, yesterday and the day before, many people said they saw beautiful places and castles and people, but not on Earth. We can travel in a flash to any planet, if we train enough. But that's not our true aim anyhow. Come what may; we have no desire for particular things. Q: How can we know our purpose, be sure what our purpose is? When others ask, can we help them know their purpose in life? What work are we personally meant to do here? M: I have mentioned somewhere already that we are here to bless the world and to know our greatness. When we know our greatness, we are one with the whole universal cosmic power. And whoever comes in contact with us also has the blessing from this universal cosmic power. The earth will get more developed as more people like us practice and bless the world quietly with our spiritual merit and wisdom. That's our purpose. Otherwise, what else do you think? Are we here just to eat two or three meals a day, have a few children, and then kaput? That's not the true purpose anyhow! It would not be logical for God to take so much trouble to create us, then put us here for a few decades and let us die in misery, sometimes with cancer, agony, disasters, earthquakes, and so on. This is not logical. So, the purpose of human life is to know God. Knowing
God means knowing our own greatness, knowing the whole cosmic power
of which we ourselves are a part. Even when we say a part, it's
a whole, you see. For example, if my finger is cut off, then it's
only one finger. But when it is attached to my body, it becomes
one of the parts of my body, it belongs to my body. Even though
I say it's a part of my body, actually it is also the whole of my
body. Therefore, we are part of the cosmic power, but we're also
the whole, if we are connected again. The little gap in between
is reconnected at the time of initiation. We turn inward, we tune
inward, we plug in, and then we are whole with the universe. Therefore,
we bless anyone who comes around, without having to lay a hand on
them or do anything to them. Anyone we sympathize with or share
blood lines with, they are saved or are blessed in some form or
another. It depends on their karma, and it depends on our love for
them. From
“Evolution” Practitioner: There is physical evidence today that when you bless something, you change its molecular structure. I saw on the Internet that there is this Japanese scientist who took some water, like polluted water, for example, from a river in Japan. And then he froze it and magnified it 500 times. And he took a picture of it. The water that was very polluted had no shape; it looked like mud, just a big mud thing. And then he went to a temple and asked one of the priests to bless the water, the same exact water, from the same sample. Afterwards, he froze the water, took a picture, and the muddy look of it became a beautiful crystalline structure. It's like a snowflake. And then he decided to continue the experiment. He took another water sample and put "Thank you" on the container of water; he taped the words on it. And then he took a picture of that water and it had a different structure, he got a different picture, like the water had a language. And then he took the water, and he said, "Let's apply some music to the water." So he put the water near hard rock, heavy metal rock, really noisy music. And that water was all distorted, and it looked like it had faces in it. Then he took the water and he said, let's say, "Mahatma Gandhi," or "Mother Teresa" near it. And every single thought or every single word produced a different image. The water changed every single time, even the polluted water. So it's really amazing when we think about Master's blessing food, and even ourselves, that we do even change the structure of the food or the water. And there's physical evidence of this. Master: You know, I'm very shy. When you ask too much about what kind of power I have, I have a hard time explaining it. So I probably just tell you that they like the food or they like the cakes or something like that. But you have to find out for yourself. I'm not a very good advertising agent. I rarely talk about things like that. If I say something, I say, "the Master," or "the Master power." It's not me that I'm talking about. The Master or the Master power, that is impersonalized. But just for the physical evidence, any priest or anyone with good intentions can bless something and make it better than nothing. When someone with spiritual power blesses water, it has light. And you can see it. When you put two different waters here, one that's blessed and one that's not blessed, the one that's blessed will sparkle with light. Kids, they will go to it, or dogs will go to it. You don't have to tell them which one is the blessed water. They will go and take it instead of the other one, because they can see the light. Not all kids can see; younger kids can see, and many dogs, they can see. They can see the spiritual auras of people. That's why some dogs bark at some people, but they don't bark at anyone else. So there is such a thing as spiritual power or different
energy from different people. Sometimes you go out to eat in some
restaurant or somewhere, and even though it looks clean, you still
feel dirty. That is the energy; there's some blessing power that's
missing. So a lot of people bring food to the temple or to the church
to ask the priest or the commissioner, the nun or the monk, to bless
them. This does have some effect, even though these monks and nuns,
maybe they are not really practicing Quan Yin or anything. But they
are sincere, they're pure and they have some blessing power. So
it does work, to some extent, but not as well as with an enlightened
person, of course. But it's better than nothing, like the Japanese
scientist showed. And when you say to someone, "Oh, bless your
heart!" or, "May God bless you," it really has an
effect. So, do say these things. Do wish people well.
“The Miracle of Blessing Power” |