Who Got the Message?

News 145, Master Tells Jokes

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Florida, USA - May 13, 2002
(originally in English) Videotape No. 747

There was a couple who had invited a friend to their home for dinner, but they were in short supply of one of their favorite foods. So the wife said to the husband, "After your friend has finished two pieces, don't ask him to have anymore, OK?" And the husband said, "OK." But when the friend finished the two pieces of their favorite food, the husband forgot, and as usual said, "Oh, please, have some more. I’ll go bring some from the kitchen."

So the wife looked very, very stressed. And then the friend said, "No, no, no." But the husband still insisted, and the wife looked even more stressed. Then the guest refused even more firmly, and in a hurry said, "No, no, no!" So later when the guest had gone home, the wife was very mad at the husband and scolded him, saying, "How could you do that? How could you do that? I told you already after two pieces you should not have offered him any more, but you kept asking him. You should have told him there was no more left." And the husband said, "I'm sorry, I really forgot about it." And the wife replied, "Forgot about it! But I kicked you under the table. You should have known!" And the husband said, "No, it wasn't me you kicked. It was our poor friend!"

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Life after Death
The Time Has Come! The River Is Not Deep Leftovers
Visiting Mother
We're Not Responsible! Please Reverse the Charges!
Potato Punishment
How Many Pieces? No One Is the Oldest!
Who Got the Message?
Too Bad about God's Dollar!


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