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Quan Yin Family
Interviews with Elderly Fellow Practitioners Life Begins at Seventy Reported
by sister initiate Zeng Donghua of Nantou News Group, Formosa Brother Yang Qingyun is now seventy-one. Before his initiation six years ago, he knew nothing about spiritual practice. All he knew was to pray to God and the deities for blessings. But after his son began practicing spiritually, he followed suit, reading Master's sample booklet and magazines. He was impressed by the logical reasoning of Her teachings and began to observe a vegetarian diet. On a visit to the Hsihu Center, he noticed that despite the large numbers of fellow practitioners present, an air of great harmony prevailed. So he decided to join the Quan Yin family. "It is better to start spiritual practice when you are still young. If you begin at an old age when you are not so physically fit, like myself, it is really hard when you first learn to meditate," said brother Yang. "The best I could do then was to persist for half an hour. My faith wavered during the first year, and I often wondered if it was really beneficial for my spiritual cultivation to just sit like that." Now, brother Yang not only looks healthy, but is also in good spirits and has complete faith within. It is because he has inner experiences, feels relaxed in both body and mind, and is able to react quickly. His diligent study of Master's teachings has also helped him to develop his wisdom. He lives in the present, doing what he has to do, or just eating and sleeping if he has nothing to do. Of course, he never forgets to practice the Quan Yin Method each day. He finds himself to be absolutely secure in following Master. To the question "Is there any advantage in pursing spiritual practice at such an advanced age?" brother Yang simply repeats his motto, "I feel no burden. There is nothing that I must attend to, nothing except practicing well!" To keep the body strong and healthy, his advice is, "Do more exercise and don't overeat." Feverish Love! Sister initiate Tang is also seventy-one and has been an initiate for eleven years. Till this date, these words of hers continue to echo through my mind: "We should follow Master closely with all our heart, as if we are in a feverish love of 108 degrees centigrade. We should concentrate our thoughts and attention on the wisdom eye, cut off or throw away all the secular things we can, and fear no obstacles. This is the way to spiritual progress." Sister Tang used to think that spiritual practice meant delving deeply into the scriptures and avoiding following any master before you are sure they are fully enlightened. On the spiritual path she searched high and low but failed to find the Light she sought. Her intense sincerity finally led her to Master, and she has since followed Master in Her travels far and wide to share the Truth. The early days of her spiritual cultivation were full of ordeals. Her husband objected to it; her friends and relatives claimed that she was superstitious. But she swept aside all obstacles to follow Master with all her heart. Later, her husband became convinced of the Truth in Master's teachings and became a fellow practitioner. Master looks after not only sister Tang on the spiritual path, but also her family. For example, her daughter-in-law, a non-initiate, had a vision of Master sprinkling colorful flowers from the sky soon after she had given birth to a baby, and felt comforted in both body and mind. Despite
her age, sister Tang has recently started sewing garments for
herself. She has already completed two wooden beds for two rooms,
and has won widespread admiration for her efforts. She has endless
numbers of experiences that are indicative of her arduous work
on the spiritual path and her unwavering faith. She often repeats
one valuable piece of advice: "In order to rise above the
bondage of secular thoughts, one must love Master with the intensity
of a 108-degree heat!" Her advice on keeping fit is to
eat less greasy food and to season one's food with a little
vinegar. ![]() |