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American Shao-Lin

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
(Originally in Chinese)

What have we learnt from this movie? The first thing is humility - do not show-off our "kung-fu" to everyone. The second thing is - we have to fight if it is necessary. (Laughter) Yes! If it is beyond the limit of tolerance! Some people just won't change for the better if you don't beat them up; they just can't learn the lesson. Therefore, beat or scold them if it is really necessary. To be a good person doesn't mean talking sweet words all the time. No, no! When you see someone killing people right in front of your nose, would you still look on with folded arms and say: "I am a prize-boxer and I am not supposed to combat casually."

Humility doesn't mean stupidity. Do what you should do, and handle things according to the situation. Only then are you a real spiritual practitioner instead of a rigid idiot.


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