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will see it with our own eyes; ~ The Supreme Master Ching Hai ~ God cannot
give us peace on Earth if we do not make peace ourselves. We have
the power. We are the representatives of God here; we must do
the things we should on this level because we exist here. Only
if we have peace within ourselves can we make peace; only when
we see God within ourselves can we see God in others. And to see
God, we must have some practical solutions. We cannot just say,
I know I am God, I know God is there, I love my neighbor, I want
to love my enemy. It is not by saying or wishing it that we can
behave the way we want, realize God the way we want, or see God
the way we want. We must do something. I am going to show you
how. From
“God’s Direct Contact - The Way to Reach Peace”,
page 180 Knowing God is the only virtue that we must acquire. Ignorance is the only sin that we must avoid. Ignorance makes us kill each other, hate each other, damage each other, compete with each other, and make so much damage to ourselves and to everyone else who we think does not have the same opinion. Ignorance also breeds many other evils, such as greed and hatred. It makes us suffer so much, because these things also make us hate ourselves. Ignorance means we don’t know that we are both God (Master gestures from Herself to the audience), because all the scriptures say that God lives within this temple. So all we see here and everywhere else are God’s manifestations in the physical realm. But because of this ignorance, we make war with each other and we become greedy about everything. We are not satisfied with this world because we came from the Kingdom of God, where we never lack anything. So when we are here, we miss that kind of absolute comfort. We want money; we want a bigger house; we want all kinds of things because we miss all of the Heavenly splendor. But it doesn’t matter how many things we have here, it is nothing compared to Heaven. So we never feel satisfied, and the more we have, the more we want. Then people accuse us of being greedy. Actually, it’s not that we are greedy; it’s that we lack comfort here. The only
thing to stop this is enlightenment, which is knowing our true
Self. That means we visit the Kingdom of God; we visit our true
Home whenever we want, every day, in order to know that we have
something better and that everything here is just temporary. We
lose interest in these fake things because we know the true glory.
Because living in ignorance, not knowing the true Self, will do
too much harm to us as well as everyone around us. From:
“God’s Direct Contact - The Way to Reach Peace”,
page 130-131 We have a problem with language in this world. Sometimes it causes war, too. God has invented one language, which is called “The Word” in the Bible. And once we speak together in that same language, we have no problem. Because that language is the Word of God; it is God. Once we know that language, we become one with God and we remember our origin — that we are all from the same substance, all from the same Father, and that we are true brothers and sisters. It is a pity that some of us have forgotten this language. Therefore, we have so much misunderstanding with each other in this world, so many businesses that don’t go smoothly, and so many international negotiations that are not successful. It is because we cannot communicate only with human language. In our practicing group, we have all kinds of nationalities and all kinds of religious beliefs. But we work together in peace and harmony as if we have known each other for thousands of years, from the instant we see each other for the first time. Why? It is because we speak the same inner language, and we understand each other at the level of higher consciousness. We can hear
this Heavenly Music now, while we are living, so that we can understand
what God wants to teach us, what our instructions from Heaven
are, what God’s will is, so that we cannot go wrong in this
world. Then we will live our life more in harmony with the mandates
of Heaven. From
“God’s Direct Contact - The Way To Reach Peace”,
page 123-124 Knowing God
is the only goal in our life. Everything else is temporary. Just
as water must return to its source, we must be one with God again
in order to be truly happy and eternally blissful. Then we will
know that everyone who sits next to us is God. We will truly realize
this. We will see it with our own eyes; we will know with our
very soul that everyone is a part of us and everyone is a part
of God. And we can no longer make war with each other; we can
only love. From:
“God’s Direct Contact - The Way to Reach Peace”,
page 179 Only enlightenment can destroy ignorance. Only God’s love can nullify hatred. Only real brotherhood can dissolve the different conflicts and opinions among our brothers and sisters. Please help me bring God’s love into this planet. You can help me by praying together in silence to know God, to bring Hiers love and Heavenly kingdom to this planet. I don’t wish for any rewards from you or from Heaven. I just wish what you wish; that is, for a peaceful planet for you and also for me. And for that, I spend my time, my money and my energy to help bring about peace instead of spending energy, time and money on weapons for killing. To be masters
of ourselves, to have victory over our own weaknesses, egos and
evil tendencies is the best victory of any war. And powerful spiritual
energy will change the course of history. You should do something,
take action, fight with your Godly love, fight with your spiritual
power, fight quietly in the corner of your home, fight with us.
Yes, that is getting initiation, meditating, contacting God and
changing the history of our planet. From
“Spiritual Energy Can Change the Planet’s History” If we did not eat meat, no one would kill, no one would raise cattle. All the food would stay where it is, and they could eat it and become healthy and strong. It would be good for every nation and for our nation as well. We waste a lot of money on arms and on raising animals. All the arable land, or most of it, is wasted nowadays on raising cattle, pigs and the like. If we used these areas to cultivate wholesome, healthy food, I think the nations would benefit more and our nation would have more peace and there would be no need for armed defense. If every
nation lived according to the Bible, according to the Buddhist
teachings, Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal, etc. then
the world would have no more need for peace conferences and would
not need to waste so much coffee, champagne and cake at round
table discussions that go nowhere. The more we talk about peace,
the more war we have. It is because we go about it in an inconsistent
manner. If everyone practiced meditation and ate a wholesome diet
without any killing involved, the world would long since have
been in a peaceful state and we would have no hunger. From
“The Key of Immediate Enlightenment - Questions and Answers
2”, page 267 As long as
people forget God, there will be war again. We have to truly know
the God inside, contact Hirm in order to know the other person
is also God, and then one God cannot kill another God. Then war
will stop. When we don’t know this, we just look at each other
as another human being; we just look at personality, character,
habits and national traditions. We forget that there is a God
within that person, and that’s the main thing. From
News 143, Aphorisms Q: Why is there war in the world? And what can we do to stop war? M: War exists because we have created some kind of war-like energy on this planet. Every time we hate, every time we want to kill, every time we do not love one another like God loves us, we create a war-like energy. And when enough of this energy sticks together, it materializes into war. Hatred, envy, and all these kinds of negative feelings have energy, just like love has energy. When someone loves you or when you are in love with one another, you feel very blissful and happy. Even though you cannot touch this love and you cannot explain it, you know it’s there. You bathe in this love, and you feel very good. Similarly, when we hate one another, we feel very uncomfortable. We feel sometimes even sickened because of it . Hatred , jealousy, possessiveness, and ignorance — all of these will make war at any time. That’s why we have to take care of what we think, what we do, and what we want in our daily lives. People make war because they also suffer so much inside from not knowing God. They feel a lack of love, they feel a lack of comfort, they feel a lack of security, a lack of blessing, and they don’t know where to turn. They aren’t even sure whether God exists, but they are desperate for something. So they become violent and then make war. Enlightenment
is the only solution to all kinds of disease in this world. God’s
love is the only medicine for all kinds of trouble on this planet.
“God’s Direct Contact - The Way To Reach Peace”,
page 171-172 Q: How does enlightenment affect the future of a nation? M: Of course, it’s much better if everyone in your country is enlightened. It’s like seeing God walking all over the country. This doesn’t only affect your country; it will affect the whole world. There will be no more war. There will be more love, more peace, more abundant food and more necessities for everyone, not just for this nation. The blessings
will be shared more equally. So even if this country is very prosperous
and peaceful, we still should think more of the world. And we
should also be enlightened so that we can bless the world more.
Because there are still many more suffering beings in this world.
“God’s Direct Contact - The Way To Reach Peace”,
page 173 Q: As we can see similarities among different religions, for instance, when it comes to enlightened persons, such as Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna, what is the common ground for Godliness in various religions? Or is there such a common factor when it comes to God? What or which is God? M: (Laughing) Yes, which is God? There is only one! There is only one God. You know that. The only wise thing to do is just to come and know this God. I will show you and then you can call Hirm whatever name you like. If you have time to study different religious doctrines, you will understand that they all point to the same God. We argue between religions for two reasons: Number one, we don’t have time to study all the religious doctrines. We don’t even have time to study the whole Bible of our own religion, to be honest. So we don’t see the same essence in the teachings of all the great religions and great Masters. That’s why even the Christians and the Muslims fight and kill each other in religious wars. The number two reason is that we are not enlightened enough to understand the real meaning of the religious doctrines. Remember, the ones who wrote the doctrines, the Bible, for example, were enlightened Saints. In order to know what they are talking about, we have to be at their level, and we are not. So we argue
back and forth, we blame each other, we accuse each other, we
slander each other’s religious faith, and we kill each other
sometimes, because my God is better than your God. It is a shame.
If I believe in God, I should be a loving and kind person. I would
never kill anyone else. If we don’t understand a religion,
it’s a very dangerous thing. So please, I invite you to
come and enlighten yourself. Then you can understand, and you
can teach others to understand the true meaning of Christ. I have
no reason to sit here and tell you anything that is not Truth.
“God’s Direct Contact - The Way To Reach Peace”,
page 202-203 Q: Why can’t God prevent wars? M: Why should Hes interfere with our game? Wars are caused by us human beings. As long as we don’t realize that others and all creatures are ourselves, we will still have wars. Until we are bored, we are hurt, or others are hurt, we will not get enlightened. Eventually we will long, from inside, to search for the Truth. We will understand that wars are useless. We should have peace. We should love others as we love ourselves. This is our
lesson, so God lets us learn this lesson. Hes does not prevent
wars. Hes could terminate wars, but that will not do us any good
because then we would not learn our lesson. We should prevent
wars by ourselves. We should get together and end all wars. Only
then will we truly understand what true eternal peace is. From
“The Key of Immediate Enlightenment - Questions and Answers
2”, page 265 Q: How do you see peace being established on this planet? M:
When everyone turns to their God-like nature again: do all good,
think all good, and speak all good. Then it will be peaceful.
Otherwise, there is no solution. No other being can give peace
to you. We have to tune into peace, and live a peaceful life,
and become an example of peace. When we become a living peace
on earth, then there is no more need to talk about how to establish
peace. From
“I Have Come To Take You Home”, page 9 We should
conquer someone else’s heart with goodness, love, beauty and
virtue, not with weapons. From
News 143, Aphorisms To be
the master of ourselves, to have victory over our own weaknesses,
our ego and our evil tendencies is the best victory of any war.
News 143, Aphorisms No
other being can give peace to you. ~ The Supreme Master Ching Hai ~ ![]() |
Ahimsa |