purpose of comparative stories or parables is so to help us
understand what a Master is driving at. Otherwise, if the
Master just keeps going on and on talking about theology our
minds go blank and we don’t understand very well. But
when you have a good example, you understand what it is and
you can’t forget. A story is not easy to forget whereas
a lecture is. We might understand a lecture but we forget
it more easily.
don’t forget a story because it’s easier to remember.
Also, a story contains the meaning that the Master is trying
to explain to us. Thus it is that since ancient times Masters
have always invented stories for Their disciples. And now
we have many such stories to read, all containing practical
advice and Heavenly wisdom.” 
“A Master’s Stories: Gifts of Illumination”
News 162, Pearls of Wisdom
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Group Meditation in Santimen, Formosa •
December 27~28, 1992
(Originally in English) Videotape #300
A Thief Becomes
A Spiritual Practitioner
A Truly Happy Person
Appreciate Every
Miracle in Your Life
Being God or the
Devil — Thinking Makes it So
Compensating for
Our Mistakes
Human Wisdom Makes
Us Masters of All Creatures
Penetrating Worldly
Returning to the
Source of Creation
The Beggar and
the Millionaire
The Demeanor of
a Saintly King
The Farmer and
the Snake
The Load of Sins
The Princess’s
Bubble Necklace
The Repentant Duck
The Stone Mason
— Enlightenment Returns Us to Our Natural Self
The Story of a
Monk’s Two Pieces of Cloth
The Universal Law
of Compensation
Use Your Wisdom
to Know When It’s Time to Let Go
We Should Not Copy
A Master’s Outer Performance
