beloved Master,
ask for forgiveness for doubting You. The Maya mind is very
cunning and powerful, enabling such doubts to cross my mind.
I thank the inner Master for making me aware of what I was doing.
The understanding of who You really are cleared the doubts.
see, we are ordinary beings who are only beginning to awaken
our inner masters. Our spiritual foundations are still weak
and we have to be extra careful of Maya's influence. The moment
we judge You, Divine Mother, to be like one of us, we obstruct
our own God realization and delay our spiritual progress. Just
because You have taken on a physical body to help us, You are
not one of us. I believe, You have been sanctioned to serve
human beings by the order of the Most High. You are God incarnate.
only the world would wake up and know that there is one being
in the form of a tiny female body called Supreme Master Ching
Hai who has reached all levels of enlightenment.
sacrifice and carry all our sadness, pain and suffering on Your
body out of pure unconditional love. You are all compassion
and mercy. Your love for all sentient beings is inconceivable.
urge all my fellow practitioners, brothers and sisters, let
us stand and bow together in thanks to our Master for being
with us. May we endeavor to have only one focus, on our own
inner master and God realization.
Master, please forgive me.
sincere thanks and love,
Patrice Byrnes in Perth, Australia |