Golden Age Cultivating ourselves The Supreme Military Strategy  

Cultivating ourselves
*Master’s Words
*Everything is Created by the Mind
*Make Miracles with Your Positive Spirit
*The Supreme Military Strategy
*We Can Actually Live a Better Life
*The Secret to Rectify Bad Habits
*The Perfect Beings from Heaven
*Lead a Godly Life and Become Your Own Guardian Angel
*Utilize Your Talent to Fulfill the Mission of this Life

Taking care of the family

Governing the nation

Vegetarian Era

The Sentient World of Animals

Environmental Protection

The Golden Age Lifestyle


News 71, Master’s Words

The Supreme Military Strategy

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Group Meditation in Los Angeles, California, USA • March 13, 1994
(Originally in English)

The ego is a terrible thing. So what we should fight, what we should criticize, what we should be on guard with... it is the ego not the other person. It is enough to take care of ourselves and control our own temper, and bad habits and all kinds of ego tricks. Never mind if we left it unguarded and then go attack a neighboring country. You know, you don’t have enough army to even protect our own country so don’t attack other country. That is the problem with us.

It is just like a strategy in war. Only if people attack us then we use our defense. Otherwise we don’t need to spend so much money on army, first. Second, if our defense is not enough, don’t attack other country because you’ll murder yourself, you commit suicide. But that’s what we do all the time. We don’t guard our own country, the five senses, the deadly enemy. We don’t guard ourselves; we don’t guard our mind; we don’t guard our thinking; we don’t guard our talk.

You just try to watch other people. And even if that person is really bad, you are taking in all the bad things because you pay attention to it. Just like you’re receiving things; otherwise, how do you know it is there? If you open a door and ask five persons to come in, you have to have them. If they are outside, you don’t notice them, you don’t ask them in. You don’t have them in your house. Is that not so?


Master’s Words

We are Stepping Into the Golden Age

Start with Nirvana and End up on Earth

Reaching a New Era of Universal Consciousness

Journey Through the Universal Network

The Communication Method in the Higher World

Practicing Makes the World More Civilized

We are the Supreme Master

The Mysteries of the Universe

The Different Working Systems in the Universe

Over-Population is not the Main Cause of Starvation!

We Are Catching Up with Heaven

Help to Keep Our “Spaceship” Earth in a Powerful Position


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