On the Path Panorama of Events Report from Hungary  

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News 129, Panorama of Events

Report from Hungary
Truth-sharing and Spiritual Growth

[Budapest] Initiates in Hungary recently attained notable progress in their spiritual growth and in the conveying of Master's teachings, as two video seminars were held and the local group meditation schedule was rearranged.

Truth-sharing Seminars

In mid-October, 2001, a Truth-sharing video seminar, held on the suggestion of a local disciple, was smoothly convened in Kaposvar, a major town in Hungary about 200 km from Budapest. The attendees joined fellow practitioners in an enthusiastic discussion, and about half learned the Convenient Method.

Earlier, during the summer, we had held a video seminar in Bucharest, the capital of neighboring Romania, where there is currently no center. At that time, we met a vegetarian woman in Cluj-Napoca, another major town in Romania. She invited us for a lecture, and it turned out that she was the leader of a meditation group and knew many vegetarians. She was very excited to hear that Supreme Master Ching Hai promises eternal liberation in one lifetime through practice of the Quan Yin Method, and immediately invited us to hold a video seminar in her area. She reserved a lecture hall and arranged to spread the news, so that we simply had to go and give the seminar on November 11, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Afterwards, more than half the guests decided to learn the Convenient Method and expressed immense interest in Master and Her teachings.

Extended Meditation Session

The Budapest Center held group meditation sessions three days per week before the September 11 disaster. Then, after receiving Master's request to try to attend group meditation more often, we decided to let local initiates come to group meditation every evening, and to "sleep over" at the Center so that we could meditate together early the next morning as well. This new schedule turned out to be quite popular. In addition to these meditation sessions, on the last Saturday of the month, we now have a whole day of meditation, so that disciples can even come on Friday evening, and stay at the Center until Sunday afternoon for a weekend retreat. The news of this unofficial retreat somehow spread abroad, and for the last one we even had a sister from Austria join us. We sincerely hope that there is no further war in the world, but we now plan to maintain the new meditation schedule permanently.


Panorama of Events
*Report from Peru
*Report from Costa Rica
*Report from Germany
*Report from U.S.A.
*Report from China
*Report from Formosa
*Report from Mexico
*Report from Russia
*Report from Norway
*Report from Sweden
*Report from Europe
*Report from Formosa
*Report from Canada
*Report from Bolivia
*Report from Nepal
*Report from Argentina
*Report from Japan
*Report from Armenia
*Report from Austria
*Report from Togo & Benin, West Africa
*Report from Mauritius
*Report from Mongolia
*Report from the Dominican Republic
*Report from Malaysia
*Report from Hungary
*Report from Brazil
*Report from France
*Report from Switzerland
*Report from Korea
*Report from Australia
*Report from Bulgaria
*Report from Italy
*Report from the U.K.
*Report from Finland
*Report from Belgium
*Report from India
*Report from Slovenia
*Report from Ireland
*Report from Serbia


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